Tahbisan Imam SS.CC Dalam Bingkai Kebhinekaan. Oleh Romo Felix Supranto, SS.CC. 21 - 01 - 2019

Tahbisan Tiga Imam SS.CC Dalam Bingkai Kebhinekaa di Gereja Katolik Santa Odilia Citra Raya

Telah ditahbiskan tiga imam baru SS.CC oleh Mgr. Ignatius Suharyo, Uskup Agung Jakarta, 21 Juni 2019, di Gereja Katolik St. Odilia Citra Raya Tangerang.
Yang menarik dalam tahbisan imam ini adalah kehadiran Kapolresta Tangerang dan Dandim 0510 Tigaraksa besert jajarannya, Muspida, Muspika, tokoh lintas agama dan masyarakat.

Kerukunan dan Toleransi di Kabupaten Tangerang memang luar biasa.

On June 21, 2019 at the Church of St. Odilia, Tangerang, West Java, Indonesia, our three SS.CC brothers: Agustinus Triyono, Shenli Mario Angelo, and Thomas Waluyo were ordained priests by Archbisop of Jakarta, Archbishop Ignatius Suharyo. Thirty more priests and several religious sisters and also about two thousand people attended the celebration of the ordination. What was very interesting was that the event was attended by religious leaders who were members of the Religious Harmony Forum (Forum Kerukunan Umat Beragama), community leaders and Tangerang Polresta (Police District) and Dandim 0510 Tigaraksa (Military District) along with their staff as well as from Muspida (Regency Government) as an illustration of harmony in the Tangerang Regency. After the celebration was finished Provincial Superior Father Bonifasius Payong announced the assignment of each new priest: Father Triyono was assigned to the St. Odilia Parish in Citra Raya, Tangerang, Father Thomas Waluyo was assigned to St. Gabriel Parish in Sumber Sari, Bandung and Father Shenli were assigned to Batam Oase Centre (SS.CC Retreat House) in Batam.

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